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Cesar Tray Country Stew with Chicken & Veg in Gravy. Complete dog food made with quality, natural ingredients, designed to provide your dog with a healthy and nutritious meal100% Complete & Balanced wet dog food made with high quality ingredientsOur Cesar dog food comes in recyclable packaging, helping our environmentNo added sugar, artificial colours or flavours. Just pure, tasty tender chicken dog foodCesar dog food provides locked in freshness, meaning your dog will enjoy tasty complete dog food just as it's meant to taste.

Meat and Animal Derivatives (43%, of which 92% Natural*, including 4% Chicken Liver), Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Vegetables (including 0.8% Dried Carrot and Pea Mix, equivalent to 4% Carrot and Pea Mix), Minerals, Vegetable Protein Extracts, Herbs (0.02% Parsley).
*Natural ingredients