
Stock Available: 50

British Horse Feeds Cooked Linseed Meal is 100% linseed meal has been processed by heat and moisture - cooked and micronised. This gives a superior feedstuff that has enhanced nutrition giving improved digestibillity, carbohydrate availabillity and palatabillity.

The product consists of clean dark brown meal or flakes of Non-GM Linseed, cooked and micronised. 

Typical Analysis
DM     94%
Bulk Density:  450-500 g/l  
Moisture:    6/10%
Protein:                  23.0%  
Oil:     37.0%  
Omega�s 6/3/9
Fibre:     7.0%  
Ash:     4.5%
Lysine      0.90%
Methionine    0.45%
M + C      0.85% 
Calcium     0.20%
Phosphorous     0.55% 
Magnesium     0.36%
Av Phos     0.40% 
Salt      0.10%
Starch      4.50%
Sugar     3.00%
Linoleic     5.15%
Threonine (total)     0.90% 
DE (Horses) 22 MJ/kg
ME (Ruminant) 19 MJ/kg

The product complies with current U.K. and E.U. regulations governing pesticide residues and other chemicals/additives.

The product will be free from mould or any other signs of past or present microbial spoilage.

Six months and must be stored in cool dry conditions

The product will be packed in 20KG plastic bags.  All products will be marked with a batch code or serial number to ensure traceability.